What is this Kaon'CPTs?

When In Real Life (IRL) musicking stopped being main stream, we created the Kaon'CPTs collective and moved to online 3D performance space with conducted live comprovisation through interactive scores. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic provided a unique context in which we would perhaps not even think about joining forces in a project unless there was an opportunity to be together physically. However, the pandemic has paralyzed many of us and shifted focus towards online activities. Suddenly the Internet became the only way to express oneself and to interact with other people. Perripplayear, the first Kaon'CPTs comprovisation, is a result of this context and brought together individuals that may not have collaborated together otherwise. Ever.

This show us in one of our open-to-audience performance room. It can be visited here.

anamorphose room


The Kaon'CPTs is a collective dedicated to flip along several time realities. Undecided, their action oscillates, alternates from physical to virtual, hesitates between now, before and later. Previous activities include synchronized network music, implementing timecode-based behaviours and listening to buffer underflows in interactive cyberworlds. Actually, nothing periodically unusual can affect Kaon'CPT's conservation of entropy.

The core members have been operating music together at previous occasions, including collaborations with scientists (The Melatab, at Network Music Festival in 2013) and unmanaged kids (Gaping Fools, since 2007 in garages, caves and living-rooms). Despite some fruitful solo carers, the Kaon'CPTs are inviting friends for musicking sessions.

The energy is bounded from below.

Kaon'CPT members, (GMT-4) are Michal Seta (concept/charge conjugation), Nicolas Bouillot (concept/time reversal), Bennett Smith (dispersion), Emmanuel Durand (graphical memory), Nina Ripoll (action) and Zack Settel (entropy). Other friends have been determined in a near future, including Stuart McLeod (GMT-7), Hiroya Miura (GMT+9), D. Andrew Stewart (GMT-7), Dirk Stromberg (GMT+8) and Michael Edwards (GMT+1).


Kaon'CPTs played several Gigs since 2020. The existance of Kaon'CPT is however rooted in several other previous activities: